Friday 24 October 2014


Hey guys, i hope you are all having a great day whatever you are up to! So for today's post i had planned on doing some Halloween makeup ideas but i completely failed as i am just not great at doing that type of makeup and i didn't want to post something i wasn't happy with. I was browsing through twitter and discovered that someone had done a "Halloween Tag" blog post and thought i would give that a go in it's place for a little fun...

1. What is your favourite Halloween movie?
Hands down this has to be Hocus Pocus, it is such a classic film and i love me some Sarah Jessica Parker.

2. 1-10 how much do you enjoy Halloween?
Probably around 8, i really wish we went all out in England like in America but we don't.

3. What is your fondest Halloween memory?
Having my own last minute costume made when i was little out of a black bin bag and some paper stars, but it was my favourite thing.

4. Have you always been a Halloween lover?
Yes as fall is one of my favourite times of year, just all the pretty autumnal colours.

5. How do you get into the Halloween spirit?
Either watching Hocus Pocus, carving a pumpkin or baking cupcakes.

6. Favourite Halloween decorations?
It's got to be pumpkins, i mean that's a no brainer.

7. Favourite Halloween/Fall scent?
Yankee Candle either Ghostly Treats, Candy Corn or Fireside Treats.

8. Favourite Candy?
Candy Corn is the best thing ever, yet you can only get your hands on them in American style sweet shops in the UK which is so annoying!

9. Vampires or Zombies?
Vampires obviously, i love me some Damon Salvatore.

10. What is your weird/odd fear?
Spiders and all creepy crawlies, which isn't odd really i suppose.

11. Last but not least, do you believe in ghosts?
I kind of do and don't at the same time, if i ever saw one i would believe it!

I hope you liked this tag post and have a great weekend...

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