Wednesday 7 January 2015


Hey guys, i hope you are all having an amazing day whatever you are up to! So for today's post i thought i would kick start things with the first "what i ate wednesday" of the new year...

For breakfast i had one of my new favourite go to breakfasts to have, which is wholegrain multi seeded bread toasted with peanut butter on top. I also had a decaff coffee with soy milk.

If i am being completely honest i have never really been a huge fan of soups but i will have them from time to time. It has come to that stage where you get fed up of having the same thing everyday for lunch and you just want a little change, so i thought i would give this particular soup a try. It is spiced red lentils with smoked bacon and it was actually so yummy, i will definitely be having this particular one again.

For dinner i had this amazing satay chicken cooked on skewers (which i believe is a Gordon Ramsay recipe), served with roasted vegetables which consisted of sweet potato, squash, garlic, peppers and mushrooms.

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