Friday 1 January 2016


Hello Everyone and Hello 2016! I wanted to kick start the first blog post of 2016 by doing something a little different and not really beauty related but more of a lifestyle/choice post. You might be reading the title of this post and thinking "oh gosh not another person saying new year, new you" but the meaning of this post isn't anything like that...

(notebook from topshop).

This new year i wanted to rather than say make "new years resolutions" which let's face it calling them resolutions seem to set yourself up for failure from the get go, i want to set myself some goals mentally. By saying mentally i mean being a more organized person, make more lists, be prepared, never brush things off until the last minute, work hard and most importantly think positive!

Talking about being positive, this is probably the most challenging goal for me and i know it is more than likely just as difficult for so many of us. I do genuinely believe though that by having a more positive attitude towards anything whether it is work related or personal, it will reflect and show results especially work wise. Whilst i am working towards the whole more positive less negative thinking goal and working hard creating cool/exciting content and just putting 100% effort in.

As i was speaking about making lists being one of my goals, i aim to keep a diary of all of my ideas/anything that pops into my head. I will NOT be one of those people again that purchase a diary trying to be this super organized person and then only to have given up before the month of January ends. I do believe that just simply by making a note of something in a diary will off load some of the things that just float around aimlessly in your brain. 

Seeing as we are now in a new year, i would love to know some of your new year goals as well as any post suggestions you would like to see from me?

And once again i would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year!

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