Monday 15 September 2014


Hey guys, i hope you've all had a great weekend whatever you have been up to. So as we have been having a fair few dark/cloudy mornings in the UK as of late, it is safe to say that Fall is definitely on it's way. I have already seen a couple of people doing the "i heart fall tag" so i thought for today's blog post i thought i would answer the set questions myself...

1. Favourite Fall Lip Product?
When the colder months come around i am definitely all about keeping my lips moisturized so lip balms become my best friend, my favourite ones are the Balmi lip cubes. For some colour as i am never one for a red lip i like to keep things nude like Creme D'Nude from MAC.

2. Favourite Fall Nail Polish?
I am all about them vampy dark shades when it comes to winter, i did a blog post previously on my top ten favourite nail polishes for a/w you can check it out here:

3. Favourite Starbucks Fall Drink?
This is such an easy question to answer without a doubt the Pumpkin Spiced Latte.

4. Favourite Fall Candle?
Obviously it is going to be a Yankee Candle of some sort and this year i am obsessed with the Halloween Collection and especially the Candy Corn scent.

5. Favourite Fall Accessory?
Scarves! They are such an easy way to look "autumnal" and keep warm at the same time.

6. Haunted House or Haunted Hay Ride?
  I have never been on a haunted hay ride and to be honest i'm not entirely sure what one of those are so i would have to choose a haunted house!

7. Favourite Halloween Movie?
I am not one for horror films as such, it's not that i am scared of them it just isn't my thing.

8. Favourite candy to eat on Halloween?
Candy Corn!!!! or even those hard boiled lollies with the sherbet inside.

9. What are you dressing up as on Halloween?
Probably nothing as we never really do the whole Halloween scene in the UK as much as they do in America. Although for the last couple of years i have created this cat makeup look!

10. What is your favourite thing about Fall?
So many different things besides all of the things i have mentioned above. I love it when the leaves change colour and the sound they make when you walk through them and the yearly Pretty Little Liars Halloween special.

I hope you enjoyed this post and got to know the things i love during the Fall, i also tag anyone who wants to give the questions ago.

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