Friday 5 September 2014


Hey guys, i hope you are all having a great day whatever you are up to. For today's post i thought i would have a go at "The British Tag" seeing as one i have been tagged to do so and two i am British...

1. How many cups of tea do you have a day? + How many sugars?
I only usually have one cup of tea a day if that i am a coffee person but when i do i have one sweetener.

2. Favourite part of your roast?
Yorkshire pudding without a doubt, i always save it til last.

3. Favourite dunking biscuit?
A good chocolate digestive or hob nob but they steal your drink.

4. Favourite quintessentially British pastime?
Going around London on a red double decker bus.

5. Favourite word?
There are two and they both begin with B but i will only mention one and that is bloody, the other is too explicit for this post haha.

6. Cockney rhyme slang?
I'm from the midlands so i don't use it but i know the basics like Apple and pears etc.

7. Favourite sweet?
If it's British related it's got to be a stick of rock from the seaside or fruit pastels.

8. What would your pub be called?
This is hard cause I've never really thought about it but probably something silly like The Unicorn Fluff haha i really don't know.

9. No.1 British person?
For the hottest would be either Henry Cavill or Ed Westwick. 

10. Favourite shop / restaurant?
This is a hard one for restaurant it would be The Elm Tree which is a pub/restaurant not too far from me and shop would probably be Debenhams for the high end makeup obviously.

11. What British song pops into your head?
Wannabe by The Spice Girls for some reason.

12. Marmite?
I hate it. It is so true when they say you either love it or hate it, there is just no in between. 

I would like to tag anyone who is up to answering the questions. I hope you all have a great weekend whatever you have got planned and i'll be back with a new post on Monday.

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