Wednesday 14 January 2015


Hey guys, i hope you are all having an amazing day whatever you are up to! Many of us all know Soap and Glory is probably the most loved drugstore brand when it comes to all things shower/bath and pampering related. So for today's post i thought i would share with you my favourite products and a little little bit about why i love them as much as i do...

The Daily Smooth Body Butter - £9
I decided to start off with this body butter as it is hands down the winner of them all for me. I have tried out so many different brands of body lotions/butters but none of them do it for me like this one does. I love everything about it the incredible softness it leaves my skin feeling as well as its heavenly scent of rosehip seed oil and cocoa butter, with the famous mist you madly scent. 

Scrub 'Em and Leave 'Em Body Buff - £8
This product is also scented with the mist you madly scent as well as babassu oil, sea salt, jojoba and mandarin oils. Whenever i unscrew the lid i have to take in a good smell it smells that good. Like every soap and glory product does it leaves your skin feeling ultra soft and smelling delicious. I do prefer this over the "scrub of your life" (which i will get onto next) but it's only downside as it isn't a very shower friendly product unlike a squeezy tube is.

The Scrub of Your Life - £7
This is definitely the perfect exfoliater for the shower as it is easier to use with the way its packaged unlike trying to struggle to open and close a tub with wet hands. I also like that when you rinse the product off it just washes away straight away unlike some other brand products can take some rinsing off. The scent of this scrub is their original Pink fragrance and is very fresh smelling.

Hand Food Hand and Nail Cream - £2.50 (Travel Size)
Hands down the best hand cream i have ever tried and that is probably why i have found myself having around 5 or 6 back up ones. I always buy the the travel size ones as they are perfect handbag size and i always have one permanently living in my bag. This is also their Pink Fragrance as well as being infused with shea butter, macadamia oil and marshmallow. The soul purpose of this being the best hand cream is not only it's amazing scent but also the fact it is a non-greasy formula.

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