Wednesday 23 September 2015


Today i am back with a "what i ate wednesday" post and i am still pretty proud that i have been remembering to document these types of post's. So let's get into it, here it is...

Breakfast is pretty much the same as last times, as i am still obsessed with it. Muesli with Brazil Nuts, Almonds and topped with Currants and Unsweetened Almond Milk. Oh... and my usual coffee, which is the Carte Noire Petit-Déjeuner Classic.

Lunch time and i had something slightly different but not much. I had a Toasted Bagel with Light Philadelphia Cheese and some Cracked Dried Chilli's to season, so good!

Dinner time and i had something that i haven't had in the longest time, Indian Takeaway! I had Chicken Tikka Saag which is basically a Chicken and Spinach dish, i also had it with Pilau Rice and some Naan Bread.

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