Monday 30 November 2015


Happy Monday Everyone! For today's post i wanted to just sit down and write a slightly random/chatty post as yesterday marked two whole years of my blog and i am now officially in my third year of blogging...already!

I firstly just want to start off by saying a huge thank you to everyone who takes time out of their day to read my posts as well as i hope you find the topics/products i discuss helpful. Anytime you want to know anything/request something for me to review, don't hesitate to tweet me at @iamkatiee_ or click the link here:

I honestly can't believe that i started my blog after being super scared to do so two years ago and it is definitely something i am proud of myself for, reaching out of my comfort zone. I feel as if i have learned so much just in this short amount of time and i grow every single month, which keeps me motivated to keep going producing more post's for you all. Makeup has always been a huge passion for me as well as being a hobby collecting different products for the longest time. 

If i was giving advice to someone just starting out with makeup for the first time, i would say don't expect a makeup artist look over night. Makeup is one of those things like other projects it takes some time to become good at it, which comes with practice. We have all made some makeup errors in the past as i know i have but mistakes are made to be learned from they say. 

Lastly i wanted to discuss all things "blogmas"/December. I wanted to switch things up this year and rather than doing the typical blogmas which is a blog post every single say of December up to the 24th or Christmas, i am going to be doing the "Twelve Days Of Blogmas" on my blog but fail not over on my Instagram there will be a new post every single day of December.
Follow me on Instagram here:

Thank you again so much for everyone's support, i hope you have all had an amazing weekend and i will see you on Wednesday for an all new post!

Love and kisses from Katie!

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