Wednesday 13 January 2016


Hello Everyone and welcome to the second part of "affordable beauty week". Today's post is something completely new and different both on my blog and to me personally. I love me a good face mask, i honestly don't think you have completed a good pamper session without doing one. So saying this for today's post i thought i would share with you this super simple and affordable DIY face mask that i came across and absolutely love...

To make the face mask you will need:
2tbsp Honey
2tbsp Greek Yogurt 
1/4 Cup Oatmeal (porridge oats)
1/3 Cup Warm Water

First things first you are going to want to place your oats followed by warm water into a bowl and then let them sit for two minutes. Next you are going to want to add the remanding ingredients, so that is the Greek Yogurt and the Honey before combining them all together. All that is left to do then is apply the mixture to your face either with your hands or an old/unwanted makeup brush, leave for 15 minutes before washing it off.

By making your own face mask, it can have so many more benefits than buying one in a tub or a tube. Firstly this particular formula helps fight inflammation as the oats are the ingredient most popularly used in eczema treatments, relieving you of dry feeling/looking skin. The other benefit has two parts to it, firstly it is super affordable as we will most likely already have these items laying around our kitchen and then second of all if the face mask isn't to your liking you have porridge and yogurt and honey for breakfast for days - Yummy! 

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