Sunday 1 May 2016


Hello Everyone and Happy Sunday! Firstly how weird does it seem me saying Sunday? Second of all no i haven't got the days mixed up for posting a blog post, today i am bringing to you a bonus post for the week...fear not there will still be an all new post tomorrow as usual. Getting into things i wanted to share with you more of a lifestyle type post today and these super yummy but naughty treats. If you are anything like me and love anything chocolatey/peanut/caramel tasting then you will love the recipe for these gooey snickers bars...

To make the gooey snickers bars you will need:
300g milk chocolate
125g smooth peanut butter
170g mini marshmallows
25g butter
a separate 100g smooth peanut butter
275g tinned caramel 
60ml double cream
75g salted peanuts


1. First things first before you get into the mixture, you are going to need to line an 8 inch square deep baking tin with cling film all ready for the mixture to go into. 

2. Next up you are going to want to melt together the 300g milk chocolate and the 125g peanut butter, on a bowl over simmering water until all melted and smooth. Pour half of this melted mixture into the base of the tin and use the back of a spoon to spread the mixture into an even layer. Place this in the fridge to set for around 15 minutes. 

3. Moving onto the next layer, in a clean bowl melt together the mini marshmallows and the butter until completely melted before adding in the separate 100g of peanut butter into the mixture and combine together. Take the baking tin out of the fridge, only if the mixture is set you can continue if not place it back into the fridge for a further 5 minutes or so. Once set pour the marshmallow mixture onto the chocolate layer and smooth out before placing back in the fridge whilst completing the next step.

4. Now for the layer of caramel, place caramel in a saucepan with the double cream, heat on a low heat until combined (be careful as this mixture will be hot). Next stir in the salted peanuts then leave to cool for a few minutes. Once the mixture has cooled down, take the tin back out of the fridge and then pour over the peanut and caramel mixture smoothing it out the same as the other layers.

5.  Place back into the fridge for a further 15 minutes. After that time is up take the tin back out of the fridge and pour the remanding half of the chocolate mixture as the top layer, smoothing out again before placing back into the fridge for 1 to 2 hours or until set completely. 

6. Then all that is left to do is remove from the tin using the cling film as help and cut into squares or bars. 

I hope you're all having a lovely weekend and i'll see you tomorrow!

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