Monday 14 August 2017


Hello everyone! I am all for spending money on trying new products, but keeping that in mind there are so many different ways to get your hands on samples either for free or for a little amount of money and over the years i have learnt a trick or two. With that in mind for today's post i thought i would share with you some of my personal favourite tips and tricks to get beauty samples, whether that is just for trying a new perfume, shampoo or to take away on a trip rather than lugging around a huge bottle of product.

First up is probably my favourite of them all because you can pick and choose the samples that you go for, from a selection of over 300 products and these products range from makeup, to skincare, hair and of course perfumes. I have actually previous blogged about this particular sample service a couple of times this year, so you can catch them here and here where i explain the details of the whole service in full. This will only cost you £3.95 p&p for 5 samples per month, but you will get that money back in a voucher for the following month.

2. buying magazines
Another way to pick up samples for a little amount is by buying magazines, which will probably only set you back around £1-£2 and you get some great reading material/inspiration at the same time. Some magazines will also include free gifts, which can range from deluxe sample size products or even a full sized product as well as the samples included on the advertisement pages. My personal favourite magazines for great samples are cosmopolitan (which i have bought every single month for years) and also glamour magazine.

3. free samples/gift with purchase with online orders
There are so many different brand sites that will give you a selection of free samples with purchases, whether that be if you have spent over a certain amount (which you can usually choose what sample/s you want to try) and sometimes they will simply just add samples into your order bag or box. Certain sites such as feel unique and debenhams do a free gift with purchase or if you spend over a certain amount, which will usually be a deluxe sample or full size of a certain product from the same brand. Sites that i have received the most samples from are feel uniquesuperdrugasos and mac cosmetics.

4. asking in-store for samples
It can be really scary sometimes even thinking about approaching a makeup/beauty counter (especially in a department store) and you might think you will feel embarrassed asking someone if they have any free samples, but do NOT feel embarrassed as so many brands are more than happy to give you free samples. Whether you are buying something or if you are just curious about a product, a lot of sales assistants will give you the advise along side the correct sample. One time i was paying for something and the sales assistant gave me a huge bag of samples, along side a clarins beach bag (which came in super handy).

1 comment:

  1. I always ask in store for samples, especially if I am going to be buying a high end foundation! Lovely post as usual:)

    Emily xo
