Monday 13 October 2014


Hey guys, i hope you all had a great weekend whatever you were up to! This weekend i went out for a lovely meal with family on Saturday and yesterday i headed into Nottingham shopping with my sister. This time of year is always super exciting especially when they bring out the Lush Christmas items out, so naturally a little damage had to be done. I never like to go too crazy in Lush because you can always nip in and get more whenever you need to...

Melting Marshmallow Moment (Bath Melt) - £3.95

 Dashing Santa (Bath Bomb) - £2.95

Lush Luxury Pud (Bath Bomb) - £3.50

And of course saving the best Lush product ever until last...
Snow Fairy Shower Gel (500g) - £11.95

What is your favourite thing to get from Lush?

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