Sunday 21 December 2014


Hey guys, i hope you are all having an amazing day and welcome to blogmas day twenty-one! For today's post i thought i would share with you these super cute and easy to make "gingerbread shapes". You can get a hold of a wide variety of festive shaped cutters pretty much anywhere, i have seen so many and they are all adorable! If you want to recreate these fun festive gingerbread shapes then please keep reading...

For the gingerbread you will need:

(Makes 20-25 shapes all depending on the size of your cutters).

450g plain flour (plus extra for dusting)
2tsp ground ginger
1tsp ground mixed spice
2tsp bicarbonate of soda
115g butter (plus extra for greasing)
100g golden syrup
115g light muscovado sugar
1 beaten egg


Preheat the oven to 160c/325f/gas mark 3, then grease three large baking trays. 
Sift the flour, ginger, mixed spice and bicarbonate of soda into a large bowl. Place the butter, golden syrup and muscovado sugar in a saucepan over a low heat and stir until melted. Pour onto the dry ingredients and add the egg. Mix together to make a dough. The dough will be sticky to start with but will become firmer as it begins to cool down. 
On a lightly floured work surface, roll out the dough to about 3mm's thick and then stamp out the shapes with the cutters of your choice and place onto the prepared baking trays. Bake in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes or until firm and lightly browned. Once cooked remove from the oven and leave to cool for a few minutes before transferring them to a cooling wrack to cool completely. Once completely cooled all that is left to do is decorate them how ever you want.

You could also place the cookies in cute wrapping and give to someone as a gift!


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