So when you order from missguided the parcel comes delivered to you like this in the most amazing packaging, which i don't know about anyone else makes you enjoy it a whole lot more because they put thought into their deliveries and it is so their vibe. Firstly i was so happy that the sandals arrived to me in a box, as there is nothing more i hate than ordering new shoes and they don't come in a box to keep them stored nicely.
So once you take them out the box this is what they look, pretty much identical right? If you haven't a clue what the original Valentino version looks like then google it, but to save you time they are the exact same as these. A difference i did notice straight away and it is a positive thing, the missguided ones look a lot comfier as where your foot stands is more "cushioned" almost. Getting down to the cost these missguided ones retail for £25GBP and the valentino ones retail for £570GBP, not much difference ha ha only a huge saving of £545GBP. These missguided sandals come in three different colours, black, taupe and the colour i have which is blush/nude. I literally can't wait to wear these when i go away later on this month and i am seriously considering buying them in black.
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