Monday, 10 April 2017


Hello everyone! I am pretty much one of those "typical bloggers" or female in general that has an actual candle obsession, in fact sometimes i think i am too obsessed with candles and i have different favourite scents for each different season. With that in mind for today's post i thought i would share with you some of my favourite spring appropriate scented candles, from older favourites to new-in favourites.

So during the autumn/winter seasons i always opt for the sweet treat-like scents but during spring/summer time, i am all about the fresh/floral scents. This sea air candle from yankee candle is from their new coastal living range, i love how the sandalwood notes give off this really fresh yet still has that "day at the beach" vibe to it.

Another fresh scented candle this time from neom, which is a slightly more expensive but the scent these candles throw off are like nothing else. The essence of lemon and citrus gives the candle its all round clean/freshness, this scent of candle is a perfect one for burning during the evenings as it quite a calming aroma.

I first bought one of the seychelles candles from the white company at the beginning of the year, as i literally fell in love from the first sniff and it has quickly become probably my favourite candle of all time. This particular scent is the perfect mix between fresh and sweet, as it has the freshness from the bergamot and the sweetness from the coconut, vanilla and almond. If you are ever looking to splurge of a more high-end candle, i would definitely go with the white company. 

So this particular candle is the newest candle in my collection, as i just picked a large jar up at the weekend whilst i was in the yankee candle store. To me this candle is spring/easter in a jar with its fresh scent of spring air and fresh bouquet of flowers, which has a really relaxing/homely vibe about it.

In a previous post a couple of months back, i mentioned how i loved the heart of gold candle by katie loxton which is more of a winter appropriate candle as it has clove notes to it. Although another more spring appropriate scent is the home sweet home candle, as it has the perfect mix of sweet and fresh, from both vanilla and daisies. 

Finally we have yet another yankee candle scent but lets face it, who isn't a sucker for a yankee candle? Peony is one of my personal favourite flowers (along side tulips) especially during the spring/summer months, as they aren't too much of an over powering floral scent unlike fresh cut roses. Peony candle has the perfect mix of both sweet and fresh, which as you can probably tell is my favourite for this time of year.

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