Monday 10 July 2017


Hello everyone! The majority of us human beings now spend more time in the day on the internet than we do sleeping at night, me included. Obviously when your job revolved around the internet/social-media you are spending a lot of time online, as well as spending time online "off-duty" so to speak. With that in mind as much as we all love the internet, it is still nice to take a step back and have a little break from it for a while (even if it is just an hour). For today's post i thought i would share with you some great things to, when you need to escape and take that break (trust me it will do you good from time to time).

1. read a book, whether that be a paperback/hard back or kindle.
2. watch your favourite feel-good movie, or a new movie you haven't seen before.
3. go to the cinema with your friend/loved one.
4. listen to music.
5. give yourself a manicure/pedicure, i like to do this and listen to music.
6. go for a walk, whether that be simply down the street or in the woods/park.
7. give your wardrobe a clear-out/re-organise.
8. re-organise your makeup collection.
9. try out different hairstyles/makeup looks for fun.
10. binge-watch your favourite tv show/a new tv show.
11. have a gathering with friends/family with great food or drink and company.
12. read your favourite magazine.
13. write a journal, whether that be for work ideas or personal goals.
14. go on an adventure with someone to somewhere you are yet to visit.
15. bake or cook something.
16. have a relaxing bath with a bath bomb and light your favourite candle.
17. do a face mask.
18. colouring in an adult colouring book.
19. go grab a coffee from your favourite coffee shop.
20. take a nap (i mean we need to catch up on the sleep we miss from being online).
21. read a cookbook and take notes on what recipes you want to try.
22. go out for a few drinks with a friend and have a good gossip.
23. look through old pictures/create a new picture album.
24. have a family/friends board game night.
25. make a playlist filled with your favourite songs (technically this requires going on the internet but try to stray from spotify, iTunes or amazon ha ha). 

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