Monday 22 January 2018


Hello everyone! So last year one of my main goals was to read more books and i was so impressed with myself at how many books i managed to read and i loved every minute of it, as well as how many books i ended up really enjoying (including a couple that left me with character withdrawal). That being said my goal again for this year is to continue to read more books again, as i find it is so good for me personally and i have found it great way to just simply take a break. If you didn't catch last years "books i want to read" posts, i will link them at the end of this post and just like those posts i will be doing this years in two parts also.

If you have read any of my previous book related posts, then you will probably already know that Jodi Ellen Malpas is one of my favourite authors and i have loved every single book of hers, especially the This Man series. That being said i literally squealed with joy when i saw that there was going to be a book #4 in the series, this time from the pov of Jesse and literally can't wait to read it once released this March as i have been suffering from a Jesse hangover ever since i finished the All I Am novella.

So i have never read any books by Alessandra Torre before but a friend told me that her books are must reads, especially the now made into a movie book called Hollywood Dirt. That being said when i popped the authors name into google, this new release for a book called Hidden Seams came up and it sounds like the kind of book that i would love. This book was released on January 18th and Hollywood Dirt was released back in 2015.

Another exciting recent announcement by my favourite author which is being released in May this year and a new set of characters and book series called the Smoke and Mirrors series, with The Controversial Princess being book number one. I am not 100% sure if this is going to be available in a paperback version or not, but i know it will be available on Kindle and iBooks.   

4. the man in the black suit by sylvain reynard
Last summer i read the Gabriel trilogy by Sylvain Reynard and i loved every single page of each book, so much so i didn't want it to end. If you want to know my full thoughts of that trilogy you can do so here, they are a must read. Keeping that in mind i really want to read the latest novel release called The Man In The Black Suit, as it sounds equally as passionate and dramatic. This book was released in December of last year.

Back in November i did a post all about the books i wanted to read this winter, which you can catch up on here and in that post i mentioned how i wanted to read this particular series by Meredith Wild as i had read her Hacker Series and loved that. That being said i never got around to reading all of the books in the post, as November/December just ended up being super busy and i never got the chance. Talking of the Hacker Series, i think i might re-read them at some stage this year, as they were a favourite book series of mine.

Finally another book from that same post, which i never got around to reading yet i still really want to as i loved the other two in the series even though they were stand alone stories in the wicked series. The thing i have loved about these books so far is they are different stories, yet are still linked within the same world of "characters" from J Kenner's Stark Series of novels which were also favourites of mine.

Catch up on my books i want to read related posts here...


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