Friday 2 February 2018


Hello everyone! First of all can you honestly believe that today is the last day of January already? Even though this month is always seems to be the most depressing, i have still had a pretty great January for a change. Getting to the point seeing as tomorrow is the first day of a new month, i thought there would be no better way to end the current month by talking about my beauty favourites from the month of January.

Over the past year or so i have grew to become the biggest fan of liquid highlighters, as they can be used in so many different ways. You can apply them to the face as a base, add a drop or two into your foundation or simply apply a small amount to the highest points of the face and blend out with your finger or a beauty blender. Earlier in the month i did a full first impressions/review post on the newest MUA launch in their luxe range, this product might sound like a mouthful once said out loud but it is one that is a must-try and did i mention for such a stunning product it will only set you back £5? (currently on offer at Superdrug for £4). My go-to/favourite shade is the shade marvel, which is a really beautiful bronze-ish almost rose-golden shade. 

This is a product that i have been using religiously when needed since just before Christmas, yet it is something i am yet to mention in a post until now. Back in December i had found my skin breaking out a little more than the odd one and i think it was down to all the festive food during that month. When i get a breakout it tends to stick around for longer than it is welcome, which is beyond annoying and it was time i did something about it. After hearing so many great reviews about this specific drying lotion by Mario Badescu, i finally decided to give it a whirl and i can now see what all the fuss is about as it is so effective and works quickly. All you do is first of don't be tempted to shake the bottle, dip a cotton bud into the solution then apply the to breakout and leave it over night to work its magic. The only down-side to this product is it absolutely stinks of a quite strong chemically smell, but you can't smell it for long and it does dry fairly fast.

Unlike the drying lotion, this is actually a product that i have already mentioned a couple of times in two separate posts. This is something i have really been enjoying using on my hair whenever i wash it and i also noticed an instant result from after the first use, as my hair looked more healthy, shiny and reduced the appearance of any breakages i had. I also love how this is such a quick and easy product to use, as you don't have to wash it out unlike a lot of hair treatments. I highly recommend this to anyone who has long hair, as i do!  

Finally a nail polish that i have been wearing on my nails repeatedly this month and one that i talked about in a nail polishes i couldn't be without post. These nail polishes from Rimmel are perfect if you are feeling lazy or don't have time to wait for them to dry, as they dry in 60 seconds and come in this super shine finish which leaves you with that salon gel nail finish. The shade lets get nude is the post beautiful light pale-creamy beige nude colour, which is perfect for me as 95% of the time i always opt for a nude nail colour and i never get bored of this one. A similar alternative to this nail polish is essie's spin the bottle, which is my most worn nail polish.

Have a lovely weekend...


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