Monday 12 February 2018


Hello everyone! We all have those moments when we get stunk in a rut, especially when it comes to our everyday makeup routine and we tend to just keep doing the same thing over and over again. That being said applying makeup should always be fun and never seem as if it is a chore, keeping that in mind for today's post i thought i would share with you some great ways to switch up your everyday makeup routine...

1. look through all the products in your makeup collection
It is super easy to just reach for your most recently purchased makeup items, but then all of your other products get pushed aside and forgotten about. By looking through your collection once in a while will make you see what other products you used to love reaching for, to encourage you to reach for them again.

2. have a makeup de-clutter
That being said sometimes you can get into a makeup rut because you are slightly overwhelmed with the amount of products in your collection, when that occurs it is always good to have a good makeup de-clutter and rid yourself of any products you dislike or don't want to hang onto anymore.

3. dedicate a drawer or makeup make to your everyday essentials
Something i did a lot and still often do, is to dedicate a drawer from my acrylic storage to some everyday essentials of mine and to avoid getting into that rut again switch the products up/around each month. This is also a great way to save time searching through your collection/makeup bag, especially if you are in a hurry!

4. try out some new-in makeup products
It is so easy to just say oh this is my favourite product i am not going to bother trying out anything new, but this is in fact when you get fed up of something. Be adventurous and try something from the new-in section, you never know something could become your new go-to everyday makeup item.

5. switch up the order of application if something isn't working right
Doing your makeup every single day the same way as if you are on auto-pilot can get super boring quick, even if every single product you are using is still working well for you there is still a simple step to help switch things up. Simply switch up the order in which you apply your makeup, even if it is just one or two steps.

6. upgrade your tools/appliances 
Sometimes switching up your makeup products isn't always necessary, something simple like switching up or upgrading your tools and appliances can do just the trick. Treat yourself to a new well lit makeup mirror, some new brushes or new storage. Having great lighting makes such a huge difference to the way your makeup ends up looking and makeup storage is a great way to stay organised (clear view, clear mind).

7. wear what makes you feel happy/confident 
It is easy to follow someone else/or a trend and say you love something just because they do, which in fact that certain product/look doesn't work well for you. Makeup should always be fun and you should always wear your makeup the way you like to wear it, what type of look makes you feel happy and confident in yourself.

8. skip non-essential products if you are pinched for time
In an everyday makeup routine it can either go one of two ways, stick to the bare essentials or go all out and reach for everything and put it on your face. That being said if you are in a rush and pinched for time, skip the non-essential steps such as winged eyeliner or a technical eyeshadow look which isn't necessary all of the time. Also if you are anything like me and still when it comes to winged eyeliner, it probably takes me ten minutes per eye as i still struggle with getting them even looking often!

9. nail your skincare routine
The way your everyday makeup looks can be improved a huge amount, simply by making sure you nail your skincare routine/application. Making sure your skin is super hydrated and prepped for makeup, will make your makeup look and last a lot better as it has the perfect base for everything to be applied on top of it. Even adding an extra face mask into an evening a week, will make all the difference.

10. turn your everyday makeup from simple to glam in seconds
Maybe you are headed straight from work or school to something a little more dressy. A couple of great quick and easy fixes for transforming your makeup look from simple to glam in seconds, are to apply a little more highlighter to the areas you usually would and also to glam a simple face of makeup up, add a bolder lip choice like a red for example.

11. be comfortable when applying your makeup
One of the most important things for me when doing my makeup everyday is to make sure i am sitting down comfortably, i like to sit on my chair at my dressing table and either watch TV or listen to music by doing this it makes it a lot more enjoyable than being sat in silence. We have also all been there before, when you sit on the floor then realise you can't get up because your feet/legs have gone to sleep. 

12. experiment with products in your collection
Finally is a step that will inject some fun back into your makeup routine and that is to experiment with the products in your collection. Something as simple as mixing two or three lipsticks together to create the perfect shade, especially when you dislike a product by itself but mixed with another product it could work well.

Catch up on my recent updated brow-routine post HERE...


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