Wednesday 21 March 2018


Hello everyone! There are so many great different skin/hair products available that you can spend a lot of money on to help your skin and hair look/stay healthy looking, when it doesn't always have to be that way. Of course i am not saying ditch all of your products, but there are actually so many foods/oils you can be eating/using that are naturally good for your skin, hair and even nails. With that in mind for today's post, i thought i would share with you twenty of my favourite foods/oils which are great for achieving glowing skin and hair naturally...

1. oats
Oats are a filled with a great source of vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants and great for repairing any breakage to your hair. Oats also have a lot of health benefits to, such as aiding weight loss, lowering blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. 

2. walnuts
Walnuts are filled with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which helps keep in moisture, giving your hair that healthy looking shine. The protein helps boost the follicles of the hair allowing your hair to look fuller and stronger. Walnuts are also a great source of brain food and also just like oats are said to help with weight loss.

3. spinach
Spinach is not only a great source of iron to give your strength, it is also a great natural anti-ageing as it is packed full of vitamin A. Spinach is also another great food for helping with the skins moisture.

4. red peppers
A fun fact (something i didn't know until recently) that red peppers actually contain more vitamin C than oranges do, who would of thought that? Vitamin C is a great antioxidant, aiding your skin to look more radiant and glowing.

5. kale
Just like spinach, kale is also the perfect anti-ageing/wrinkle reducing food but fun fact, kale is actually filled with more antioxidants than most greens. Kale is most definitely a win-win vegetable, as it has so many health benefits for both the inside and outside of your body. I also think it tastes delicious.

6. pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds not only taste delicious, they are also packed full of zinc for helping with your skins natural oils which help to protect and repair your skin. It is also said that pumpkin seeds can aid the natural growth process in your hair, as well as fighting against acne and boost your immune system.

7. lentils
Lentils are a great source of getting protein and iron into your system, especially if you aren't a meat eater. By eating lentils you can also boost the thickness and fullness in your hair, as well as being packed full of vitamins perfect for aiding with producing collagen in the skin.

8. coconut oil
Coconut is not only the perfect ingredient for adding/keeping moisture in your hair and skin, it is also a natural antibacterial. Coconut oil can be used for so many different things from dry ends of your hair, dry hands, a natural cleanser to break down makeup and you can even use it to shave your legs with.

9. macadamia oil
Macadamia oil just like coconut oil is a great way to keep your skin/hair looking and feeling moisturised, but it is also said that macadamia oil is also a great natural ingredient proved to help sooth and reduce inflammation.

10. jasmine oil
Jasmine oil can be used in so many different ways, either as a calming remedy or to give an instant shot of moisture to dehydrated skin. Jasmine oil is also proven to help fade any scars/imperfections to the skin such as stretch marks and acne scars.

11. garlic
Garlic is apparently one of natures best medicines, to help keep cholesterol and blood pressure low as well has helping with preventing brain diseases. That being said for the beauty side of things, garlic has been proven to help prevent breakouts and maintain clearer looking skin. 

12. eggs
Which ever way you prefer to eat your eggs, you are going to be helping your hair, skin and nails out tremendously. The nutrients that is jam packed into one small egg, is going to help not only reduce the size of pores, it is going to tighten the skin, add shine to your hair and strength to your nails.    

13. berries
Berries are a strong antioxidant and are jam packed with vitamin C, by eating berries they are not only going to help hydrate your skin/hair, they are also going to give you a healthy glow, boost collagen and they are also a natural anti-inflammatory.

14. tea
Tea is not only one of those things that taste good, it is also giving your skin a helping hand at the same time. Green, black and red teas are not only like berries rich in antioxidants and anti-ageing, they are also a great way of helping you to get a clear your complexion. By drinking tea it is also said to help reduce puffy eyes, dark circles and help prevent blackheads.

15. dark chocolate
Last but not least probably one of the most surprising foods, as usually anything containing dairy is said to be bad for your skin. Although it is said by just having a small amount of dark chocolate can help your skin fight against sun damage, anti-ageing and skin discoloration. Chocolate also releases brain endorphins making you feel happy, so naturally when you feel happy you'll look good.

Catch up on my previous post HERE...


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