1. keep up with healthy eating/lifestyle
If you read some of my motivation monday posts back last summer, then you will already know that around February time i decided to completely change my diet/lifestyle and become fit and healthy by working out and eating cleaner. Doing just that has completely changed me as a person and i honestly feel so much better/happier about myself in general (mentally and physically). That being said i did allow myself from Christmas Eve to New Years to eat what i wanted as it was Christmas, but i still kept up with my workouts. Now everything is back to normal i am glad to be back to normality, eating clean and working out, which is why keeping up what i started last year is one of my main goals for 2019.
2. spend less/save more
This year i definitely want to make it one of my goals to spend less and save a lot more money. One of the things i am definitely going to cut back on is spending money on makeup for the sake of it, when it is a complete waste of money as i already have a ton in my collection. I also want to be savvy with my money and if there is something i want, then wait it out until there is a discount code or it comes on promotion, rather than wanting to get it there and then. (Disclaimer i am not going on a complete makeup ban, i will still share beauty related posts and be picking up the essentials).
3. pick up reading again
So for the past few years ever since setting a resolution to read more books, i had become a complete book worm and worked my way through so many. That being said the last couple of months in 2018 i kind of took a hiatus for some reason, but i am ready to get straight back into some new reads for the new year with the help of the Goodreads book challenge.
4. do what makes me happy
Anybody that knows me knows i am such a people please-r and half of the time (ok most of the time) i will go along with something, just because that is what someone else wants to do (even if i hate doing it). I also tend to care too much about what people think. That being said this year i am going to set myself the goal of doing the things what make me happy and not care so much about what other people think, because at the end of the day you are you for you and nobody else!
5. become more organised/tidy
I am one of those people that will spend hours organising/tidying up and i always say "i will keep everything tidy now" and a little while later it is just a mess again. That being said i always find that if things are organised/tidy, then you kind not only find something a lot faster but your mind feels a lot clearer and keeps you in a better frame of mind.
and now for a few smaller goals for 2019:
- stress less about the things that aren't important
- try new things without having a pre-conceived idea of what it is like
- use less plastic
- spend less time on social media/take a break
- plan ahead more
- but also do something spontaneous
- take up running
- try and stick to posting "what i ate in a days" more regular
I hope you have a lovely weekend and i will be back on Monday with a new post...
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