Monday, 25 February 2019


Hello everyone! So for today's post i wanted to do something a little different to what i normal would, when it comes to talking anything and everything about books. Usually i would just talk about a bunch of different books that i want to read or what i have recently read and only give you a brief review on my thoughts. With that in mind, i really wanted to switch things up and be able to go into more detail about my current reads and of course i have to kick things off with my most recent read by one of my favourite author's...

Izzy White knows of the darkness in this world. After all, she escaped it long ago. Determined not to let her past beat her, Izzy has a secure, stable life with a job she loves in nursing. But one act of kindness will completely upend everything she's so carefully built-putting her right back in the crosshairs of danger she's been so desperate to avoid. When Theo Kane shows up like a knight in shining armor, Izzy can't help thinking she's been saved from one threat and exposed to another. His imposing physique, the harsh lines of his face, and the wariness of everyone who comes close are just a few clues to Theo Kane's notorious reputation. The man is positively terrifying. But with Izzy, he's tender and a complete gentleman, and her fascination with the mysterious beast of a man becomes too powerful for her to walk away. As Theo's demons come to light, running becomes even more impossible. And yet staying together could doom them both.

As i have mentioned on several occasions and in numerous posts, Jodi Ellen Malpas is hands down my favourite author and i am beyond excited whenever she announces something new. When she releases a new book you know you are going get something that sucks you in from the very first page, with a red hot romance and a gripping story line which has darkness to it and the Gentleman Sinner was just that and more. First of all i just have to mention how when you think you have a favourite male character created by Jodi nailed, she only goes and introduces everyone to a brand new one that throws you off, Theo Kane doing just that! 

So the book is obviously from Izzy's perspective and it kicks off straight in at the deep end, with her finishing a shift at the hospital she works in as a nurse. As she is walking home from work she hears a woman in distress, Izzy only has a tiny moment of hesitation where she should keep walking but then her nursing instinct kicks in just like that and she is straight down a dark alley to come to the woman's aid. Little did she know this would lead to landing right in the lap of a mysterious man who she would immediately drop her guard for and let straight into her heart, considering Izzy also has a dark history which is full of secrets.  

Through-out the first few chapters of the book you kind of know pretty much what Izzy's past is, just by putting the pieces together yourself with things that are said and triggers of hers but obviously it takes you a little longer to figure out what Theo's secrets and reasons for being the way he is. I felt like Theo was fairly different to a lot of the other male characters as he obviously like the majority has a dark past and is also dominating/controlling and very protective but i also feel like with Izzy he was so different and a complete 180 to how he was with everyone else in his life, including his family but obviously when you finally discover the reason his being the way he has been for all those years you really feel his pain.  

Even though the book ended with a epilogue from Theo's point of view in the future, i am really hoping this isn't the last we see of these characters. I also would love, love, love something focused on Jess (Izzy's best friend) and Callum (Theo's friend/driver/bodyguard) as their chemistry through-out the book was amazing and hilarious, even though during the epilogue we discovered they still hadn't got it on...i still have hope they will.    

Overall i give this book a 4.5 out of 5, the .5 is just because i didn't want the book to end. That being said even though i am currently suffering from a book boyfriend hangover, all will be forgiven on Thursday as Jodi's book The Protector is being released on Passionflix in movie form and words can't describe how excited i am!

| buy gentleman sinner on amazon here: kindle | paperback |

Catch up on my previous post: here


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