Wednesday 17 December 2014


Hey guys, i hope you are all having an amazing day and welcome to blogmas day seventeen! For today's post i thought i would share with you these super quick and easy cakes, which don't even require using an oven.. as long as you've got a hob and a fridge you are good to go ha ha. These are a perfect christmassy treat which could easily be whipped up and given out to any guests you might have over the holiday's or even just for yourself...

To make the "crispy"pudding cakes you will need:

Crunchy Nut Cornflakes (or ordinary cornflakes)
Milk Chocolate
Ready Roll Icing (red and green for holly decoration)
Icing Sugar (for decoration)
Cupcake Cases
Holly Shaped Cutters (or you can print one from online)

(This recipe is great as you can pretty much guess who much or little ingredients you need, all depending on how many you are wanting to make).


Take a saucepan of shallow boiled water and place it on the hob with a low heat. Place a heat proof bowl on top of the saucepan and add the chocolate broken into small pieces. Leave the chocolate to melt completely but make sure you don't allow the water to touch the bowl otherwise the chocolate will be ruined. Once the chocolate is completely melted take the bowl off the heat and on to a work surface, place the cornflakes crushed up into the melted chocolate and stir in (add as many hand fulls of cornflakes as you feel you need). Once all combined place into your cupcake cases and pop into the fridge for around 30 minutes to set.
Roll out your green icing making sure you place some icing sugar down first so that it doesn't stick. Once you have rolled the icing out, cut your holly leaved shapes using your stencil and a knife or your cutter. Then taking small pieces of your red icing, roll into tiny ball shapes to make the berries.
To make the gloopy icing topping, take some icing sugar in a bowl and adding some water, mix the two together until it becomes a paste. 
All that is left to do is once the cakes are set is to spoon some of the gloopy icing into the center of the cakes and arrange the holly leaves and berries on top.

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