Wednesday 18 February 2015


Hey guys, i hope you are all having an amazing day whatever you are up to! For today's post i wanted to do something different and for you all to get to know me a little better. So as you can probably tell by the title of this post, here it is 25 random facts about me...

1. My middle name is Emma!

2. I am obsessed with music as in i can't go a day without listening to it.

3. Which leads to my favourite type of music, which is pretty much anything r&b.

4. My favourite food is pizza.

5. My worst enemy is my phone alarm, i always have to press snooze twice at the least.

6. I have one tattoo on my foot but i don't plan on getting another anytime soon.

7. I get anxious around really large crowds mainly if i feel like they are all walking towards me or if people are trying to push their way through places. 

8. I could literally talk all day long and mainly about crap!

9. I studied Media at college.

10. I rarely wear earrings, they just get on my nerves and always get caught in my hair. 

11. I love me a cocktail or two, i am a total cosmo drinker!

12. I still watch disney films on a regular basis, i have no shame. 

13. Which leads to my favourite disney princess Ariel, she is just beautiful!

14. My guilty pleasure is reality tv such as TOWIE and The Real Housewives.

15. I am petrified of a lot of bugs, mainly wasps/bees oh and i hate snakes!

16. I am one of those people that actually believes in horoscopes, as the meaning around my horoscope literally is me and my personality.

17. Which leads to... i am a Gemini!

18. I am left handed.

19. When people ask you your favourite colour i feel like i am obliged to say pink/purple or something when in matter of fact it is black.

20. I am addicted to Instagram and also Tumblr, i probably spend half of my time just scrolling through one of the two!

21. I am the youngest of three girls.

22. I love going to watch football and i have been a season ticket holder since i was 13.

23. Keegan Allen from Pretty Little Liars, retweeted my tweet once and i fan girled...hard!

24. I am a sucker for a love story.

25. The place i want to travel to so bad is New York and i will be soon enough!

I hope you all liked this different type of blog post and got to know a little more about me!

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