Saturday 13 December 2014


Hey guys, i hope you are all having an amazing day whatever you are up to and welcome to day thirteen of blogmas! A great way of giving a gift to someone at Christmas is to give them something homemade which can not only cost left but be a more thoughtful gift and who doesn't love chocolate? I have a great yet simple recipe to create homemade truffles, which would be perfect gift wrapped as a small present for someone. If you want to find out how to make these nutty chocolate truffles then please keep reading...

To make the truffles you will need:

120ml double cream
200g chocolate 
(whatever your preference is either milk or dark)
200g chocolate for the chocolate covering broken up
1 tbsp of butter
5-6 tbsp crunchy peanut butter


Put the cream in a small pan and heat it until it is almost at a boil, then switch off the heat and add the chocolate and butter. Take the pan off the heat and leave it to stand for around 6-8 mins without stirring it. After the time is up begin to stir the ingredients until it is all combined, the mixture will be shiny and smooth. Pour the mixture into a bowl and then gently stir in the peanut butter, leave the mixture to cool down a little and then place it in the fridge for a few hours (over night is even better).

Take the firm mixture out of the fridge and line a large tray with grease-proof paper. Using a melon baller or your clean hands take 1 tbsp or 2 tsp's of the chocolate and quickly roll into a ball and place on the tray and then repeat with all the chocolate and then they are good to eat. You can add a finishing touch to the chocolates by dipping them into more chocolate. 

Melt the remanding 200g of chocolate either for 20 seconds in the microwave in sections stirring in between or melt in a bowl over a pan of boiled water. All that is left to do then is dip the chocolates into the melted chocolate and then place back on the tray. To add a finishing decorative touch you can sprinkle some ground almonds or flaked almonds on top. If you are placing the chocolates in a gift wrapped package or box make sure the chocolate is completely set before you do so.

I hope you have found this homemade gift idea useful in some way and even if you don't want them for a gift, make them away as they are so good!

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