Monday 2 February 2015


Hey guys, i hope you are all having an amazing day whatever you are up to! If you have never heard of Fifty Shades of Grey before a) where have you been? and b) you need to read the books! I have been a huge fan of the books since they were first released a couple of years ago and i am so excited to go and see the movie in a couple of weeks. In celebration of the movies release there is a few different companies that have launched "merchandise" to go along with the movie and O.P.I is one of them. I have always been a huge fan of O.P.I polishes as they are amazing quality, so i naturally had to get my hands on this collection...

The collection comes with 6 different shades of nail polish, which are:

My Silk Tie, Dark Side of the Mood, Romantically Involved, Embrace the Gray, Shine for Me and Cement the Deal...

The mini collection retails for £19.95 and you can get them from BeautyBay, Debenhams, O.P.I and John Lewis in the UK.

I purchased mine from where they have a discount on the polishes...

Laters Baby!

1 comment:

  1. I love grey nail polish, and this set has a really pretty line up x
    Laura | A Life With Frills
